Developing Disruptive Business Strategies with Simulation

White Paper

Innovation in products, markets, and business models fuels business growth, and disruptive strategies radically change the business ecosystem. When managing innovation, firms must decide whether to invest in new products for markets that do not yet exist, with business models that have not yet been tried. Leaders consistently miss big opportunities when faced with disruption because traditional analysis methods are inadequate when faced with innovation. Working with disruptive strategies is different than predicting the future based on our view of the past. It is important not to just predict the future, but to think about how to create the future with our decisions.

In this paper, we will cover different approaches for modeling and analyzing business strategies, determine how to develop an optimal business strategy, and explain why simulation modeling is the best approach to address these kinds of challenges.

The white paper is based on the presentation Lyle Wallis, director at PwC, gave at the AnyLogic Conference 2016.