White paper: Multimethod simulation modeling for business

Multimethod simulation modeling for business

AnyLogic whitepapers focus on simulation related topics, they provide an overview of their subject, some deeper insight, and examples, so that readers can work better with simulation technology and see how best to apply it. Here we introduce our whitepaper on Multimethod Simulation Modeling for Business.

There are three main approaches to simulation modeling — system dynamics, discrete-event, and agent-based — each with their own strengths and weaknesses. The whitepaper describes these modeling approaches, their characteristics and when best to apply each method during model development. With the possibility of applying all the methods to a project using AnyLogic, the paper introduces the benefits of multimethod modeling.

A practical business example in the paper demonstrates the benefits of using the three modeling approaches and provides instruction on how to build a supply chain simulation model.

Multimethod simulation modeling enables the combination of different levels of abstraction to better reflect real-world processes. Find out more about multimethod simulation modeling for business, get your copy now!

Multimethod simulation modeling for business

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