AnyLogic and AnyLogic Cloud updates: experiments, AGV, and the Road Traffic Library

AnyLogic 8.7 and AnyLogic Cloud received updates at the end of March. Here is a quick overview of the improvements in AnyLogic 8.7.3 and AnyLogic Cloud:

  • New density map function. Now the map can display density not only for the current moment, but also the average for a specified period. For example, you can track the hourly change in the number of people in a store, or the average number of forklifts travelling through a workshop area per shift. To do this, in the map settings, select the Sliding window option in the Time period parameter.

    Density maps allow you to estimate the density of the flow of pedestrians or transporters such as forklifts or AGV. Find out more in the AnyLogic Help.

  • Smart transporters, such as automated guided vehicles (AGV), have learned to slow down at intersections when in the presence of other transporters. We constantly teach transporters new tricks: they already know how to move without reference to space markup, considering obstacles and dynamically recalculating their routes, bypassing forbidden areas, going via different floors, and much more.

    If you are not familiar with how to use an AGV in AnyLogic, we recommend following this step-by-step tutorial on process modeling for beginners or reading one of our blogs about Material Handling simulation.

Try out this cloud model and see how the AGVs work in the model.

  • New Road Traffic Library features. With AnyLogic API functions you can:

    1. count the number of cars before a stop line using the queueSize() function of the Stop line element;
    2. collect statistics on cars that have driven through an intersection using the traffic(), countCars(), and resetStats() functions of the Lane Connector and Intersection elements;
    3. find out the length of a car's route, as well as the roads and intersections it drove along using the getRoute(), getRoads(), getIntersections(), and getLength() functions of the Car and Route elements;
    4. find the average speed of a vehicle using the getAverageSpeed() function in Vehicle;
    5. count the number of cars in a lane using the nCarsOnLane() function in Vehicle.
  • API for experiments in AnyLogic Cloud. Commercial versions of AnyLogic Cloud can now run Monte Carlo 1st order and Variation with Replications experiments using the API. See how for Java (documentation) and Python (documentation). Or learn more about these experiments in our Cloud features and analysis blog.

If you have any questions about AnyLogic, post them below or in our forums on Stack Overflow forum and LinkedIn.

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