
Solving the Bin Packing Problem in warehousing and logistics – strategy comparison

Solving the Bin Packing Problem in warehousing and logistics – strategy comparison

When packing a container, every square inch of empty space is a money loss – either for you or your company. In warehousing and logistics, filling a container with items as tight to each other as possible to reduce the number of containers is a big deal. Decision Lab took it upon themselves to identify what techniques would help make packing quicker and more efficient. Read to learn more about the project and its results.

New anyLogistix Studio Edition

New anyLogistix Studio Edition

In a major new release, anyLogistix sets a new standard for supply chain software with anyLogistix Studio. In addition to the many updates and new features, anyLogistix Studio introduces streamlined extension development. Now, with a fully integrated AnyLogic modeling environment, supply chain professionals have access to a complete, customizable, and extensible supply chain development and analysis tool.

Here is a summary of the update.