
White paper: Simulation Modeling in Education and Research

White paper: Simulation Modeling in Education and Research

Why use simulation modeling in education and research? This is the question we answer in our new white paper. In the paper, we dive into how simulation is used in both teaching and research. If you are conducting research, teaching, or just starting you journey of learning, simulation is a powerful and enlightening tool to work with.

Dive into simulation in research and education in our white paper, try the example models, and see how simulation is being used. Read on!

Q&A: COVID-19 Mass Vaccination — Simulation, AI Application and Real-World Implementation

Q&A: COVID-19 Mass Vaccination — Simulation, AI Application and Real-World Implementation

As COVID-19 vaccines have become available, many challenges have needed resolving. Not least, ensuring sufficient supply and effective distribution.

At our webinar, March 2021, guest presenter Dr. Ali Asgary of York University, Canada, gave insight into the development and use of a drive-through mass COVID-19 vaccination simulation. He provided details of its machine learning model and online application, including how public authorities are using the results in their vaccination rollouts. Here are the webinar details, recording, and Q&A answers.

Winter Simulation Conference 2020 and AnyLogic

Winter Simulation Conference 2020 and AnyLogic

The Winter Simulation Conference from INFORMS is a major event each year on the simulation modeling calendar. The event brings together leading simulation modeling practitioners, academics, and software vendors.

AnyLogic simulation software is longstanding favorite at the conference, with the software featuring in more case studies than any other simulation modeling tool. Here are presentation and workshop highlights, including videos and papers.

Q&A: Hybrid Dynamic Models in COVID-19 Planning and Beyond

Q&A: Hybrid Dynamic Models in COVID-19 Planning and Beyond

The webinar Hybrid Dynamic Models in COVID-19 Planning and Beyond drew in a record number of attendees and prompted some great questions around the theme of simulation modeling and healthcare planning.

Dr. Nathaniel Osgood, a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Associate Faculty in the Department of Community Health & Epidemiology at the University of Saskatchewan, provided great insight into simulation modeling related to healthcare. Read on for the webinar details, recording, and Dr. Nathaniel Osgood’s Q&A answers.

Analyzing electricity smart grids and markets with simulation

Analyzing electricity smart grids and markets with simulation

Energy markets are changing. They are now open to competition, households regularly generate electricity, and a necessity for more environmentally friendly modes of transport means electric vehicles are placing new demands on electricity grids. While these changes take place, electricity delivery must remain stable and affordable.

Sjors Hijgenaar proposes a radical response to these developments — decentralized smart grids and direct local trade. As part of his analysis, he develops an agent-based simulation of a Dutch neighborhood that uses a smart grid and local trade to show the benefits for efficiency and reliability. How can this work?

Crowd safety at Hajj – Simulation modeling

Crowd safety at Hajj – Simulation modeling

Emergency evacuation planning for mass gatherings is essential public safety and security work for authorities and can help save lives. Imran Mahmood and Muhammad Haris of the National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan, and Hessam Sarjoughian of Arizona State University, USA, have used an AnyLogic based crowd simulation and analysis framework to analyze emergency evacuation strategies for one of the world’s greatest mass gatherings: Hajj.

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